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Found 21375 results for any of the keywords operational risk. Time 0.009 seconds.
Operational risk is "the risk of a change in value caused by the fact that actual losses, incurred for inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events (including legal risk), differ from the expected losses". This definition from the Basel II regulations was also adopted by the European union Solvency II Directive. -- Wikipedia Restrata | resilienceOS: Top Operational Resilience SoftwareresilienceOS: The operating system for resilience. Your critical data, connected in real-time across people, assets risks.
ProductsThe TSOM is a collection of various training system operational management tools that are integrated and / or interfaced with your CMMS, your Training or Learning Management System and your company's
Reliable Operational Improvement Consulting | 4C Consulting4C designs a transformation route as a part of consulting along with giving operational excellence training to ensure consistent business improvement. Call now.
Home - RiskCountsWe believe that compliance shouldn’t be a roadblock to your success. With a blend of intelligent technology and human-centered design, our solution helps you navigate the maze of regulations with ease. It’s not just abou
Citadel Advantage training, risk, operations, payment systems, liquidiCitadel Advantage provides training and consultancy to banks in operations risk mitigation, payments amp; liquidity systems.
Risk management | Hiscox GroupOur core business is to take risk where it is adequately rewarded, within a defined risk appetite.
Investor Relations | Yokogawa Electric CorporationProvides information about management policy, ir activities, corporate governance, financial information, stock and bond info, reports and more information. | Yokogawa Electric Corporation
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Yokogawa Electric CorporationThis is the Global Website of Yokogawa Electric Corporation. Founded in 1915, Yokogawa Electric Corporation has over 100 years experience in the measurement, control, and information businesses, and provides leading-edge
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